Creating a Biodiversity

August 31, 2023


Bangalore, the bustling metropolis in the southern part of India, is not only known for its vibrant IT industry and cosmopolitan culture but also for its lush greenery. Over the years, Bangalore has been celebrated for its abundant green cover, earning it the nickname "The Garden City."

Bangalore, housing a whopping 12 million people on its gradually shrinking land. Here's taking a closer look at how it went from being 'Garden City' to the Silicon Valley of India, in the matter of mere decades.

The below map shows the growth map of Bangalore from 1973 to 2020. We can notice rapid Urbanization from 1999 to the present day, which means the number of people staying here has increased, and consumption of our natural resources has increased. So you can see that we have very limited natural resources to consume. It's not only the human species we need to share our resources. We have Biodiversity species we need to share our resources with.

Biodiversity has become a trending term in our Urban scenario. We talk about the importance of preserving it. But what is it? Simply put, the variety of life on earth that is micro-organisms, plants, and animals, all come together to form a Biodiversity. Every species no matter how small they are, has an important role to play. As human beings, we don't just get food from plants, they also help regulate the air we breathe, for instance. Similarly, even the smallest of bacteria contributes to our livelihood in its own way. Unfortunately with the pace we are growing with our urbanization, biodiversity has taken the back seat. Urbanization has led to Unusual illnesses and unexpected floods, our landfills are getting bigger. Basically, we have triggered climate change.

Looking at current scenarios, we at 2G Tula @ Hoodi, 2Getherments planned a Biodiversity space for our project.


Here's one space you would absolutely love. The rather rugged landscape in this space provides the quiet solitude of the woods as the birds, butterflies bees and squirrels keep you company. Thus enabling a diverse biological ecosystem and a quick escape into the woods.

At 2G Tula @ Hoodi, 2Getherments, we wanted to recreate that connection with nature that people used to have. Hence a mini forest area will be created. The mini forest area will be a haven of peace. One can reconnect with nature alone in peace or take a walk with a friend, or family member while breathing in premium quality of oxygen produced by the trees-this is your choice.

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